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Tuesday 4 November 2014

Touch-Screen Customizable Virtual Keyboard&Mause+ Game Consoles

  • 48x12cm. Touch screen,
  • Resolution: 2560X640 pixels
  • Picture Ratio: 4:1
  • Wired and Wireless Connection
  • Memory Unit
  • Software

Touch-Screen  Customizable Virtual Keyboard&Mause+ Game Consoles

A new generation keyboard that can be customized to suitably place all standard virtual keyboards, a virtual mouse and game consoles, and also the icons of all writable characters on the touch screen keyboard, which we will use in PCs and Laptops.

After providing the necessary support for the software related to this project, I would like to make enough steps and get the patent, and then I would like to make licensing agreements with the relevant institutions in terms of production in accordance with the conditions.
This project will be a standardized product for all PCs and Laptops over time and will provide a very large scale of profit that will cover all PC and Laptop computer sales on the world market.

What is the problem we try to solve? 
Problems that our product tries to solve;
  • Difficulties of use other than alphabets which the keyboards are made of (Latin / Cyril etc.) and their non-updateability,
  • Problems of computer users due to physical negativity (hygiene and failure due to contamination of keypads)
  • Failures that occur when liquid drinks are poured onto the keyboard,
  • The problems that left-
  • Over time, due to the deletion of the text on the keypad,
  • It is also necessary to use a separate port for the Keyboard, Mouse and every other hardware that can be virtualized.
Instead of using multiple ports on our PCs with this device, we will be able to use a single keyboard as a virtual multi-hardware.